Lost and found....

While riding back home I realised we all are so lost. Maybe be lost in our thoughts, lost our way,lost in relationships, lost in proving...The next thought came to my mind was are we really lost or just ignorant or maybe not accepting the reality. When we are about to take a wrong turn; their is a voice in all of us which tells us we are heading towards the wrong end....So if we have this alarm in all of us why do we always end up ignoring it??is it that we have developed a comfort in living in an illusion and pushing away all the things happening around us..Probably being lost and ignorant is our new comfort!! But probably this new comfort is making us empty and hollow inside; it makes us less lively and more of being in a hurry....We pretend to be busy and in a hurry coz we are scared to stop...This new reality keeps us in motion not allowing us to stop and look back at our lives the way it really is, all messed up and incomplete. Being lost is like wearing a mask, it’s soothing; it’s like that pain killer making that hurting part go numb for a while!!I feel being lost makes our life more complicated and incomplete. Their are no closures; the circle is incomplete; their is always a small end left unhealed and loose it stays with us till the very end!!
What if we look at the hurting part acknowledge it’s presence, respect it and just heal it and let it go!!! What if we start looking at the things that are unhealed and invite closures in life...Yes you heard me right we have to invite them...Invite this little change in our lives by saying I would acknowledge the unhealed situations in my life and try to work on them instead of wearing a mask of being lost and confused. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving others whenever and wherever required. Maybe not being lost will help us grow in our lives as an individual making us more warm, welcoming, present in the time and more humble as a person...

खोने  के लिए पूरी जिंदगी पड़ी है,
जीने के लिए बस एक लम्हा काफी है।

Love and Light to all...


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