Feeling Incomplete...

          Yesterday I came across an article written by ‘Osho’ which spoke of how incomplete we are as humans broken hearts, broken families, broken souls...with this broken and incompleteness we get into broken relationships; maybe that’s what we attract as an incomplete individual. We all have a tendency to fill our void our incompleteness with someone outside of us. I feel this leads to an endless cycle of over emotional dependency, over expectations and taking people for granted..
          We tend to forget that nothing external of our being can help us in becoming a complete individual. My teacher always says, ‘there is nothing interesting happening outside of you , so take a look within.’ We all have the capacity to complete ourselves, fill ourselves and even overflow. We need to love ourselves enough to love others around us. When we feel complete we become more grounded and tend to find happiness in our being and that in a way helps us find our purpose. I feel completeness attracts abundance, there is enough and more for ourselves and for others. So whether we have someone around or we don’t doesn’t really bother us because we are in deep gratitude with what we really have within ourselves and in our life. 
         Our life is an exact reflection of our thoughts and our inner world. So why not heal yourself become complete and than attract complete human beings in our life. Relationships established on these grounds would be more harmonious, balanced and enriching. When two human beings who are complete help each other grow they really complement each other. So these relationships do not have desperation in them they are more coordial relationships. I have experienced this completeness it’s more peaceful, it’s more like you find your own warmth, you tend to forgive people more easily, you do whatever you are supposed to do without expecting anything in return, you start bringing closures in your life. So even when I’m alone I’m so comfortable in my own being that company doesn’t bother me. It makes you feel contented. At times cleansing yourself, building yourself up is more nourishing than anything else in your life. It’s a whole new journey from being broken and incomplete to be a whole and complete individual and the journey is as much delightful as the destination!!

Love and Light to all....


  1. Surely this article is truly an inspiration for beginners to find inner strength. Hats off :)


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