In search of Love!!

    We all have been through this phase in our life were we went on to extremes in search of what we understand as Love. What we all truly wish to seek in our life is love and acceptance. If we all just sit down sometime and look deep within us we would realise behind all our struggles and conflicts all we need is simple unconditional love. But the question is where do we find this unconditional love and acceptance?? How do we overcome this longing for love??

   Could it be possible that the places we are searching for love be wrong?? So many of you might be thinking ‘so than is my expectation wrong?when I say I wish to experience this love from my parents, or my partner, or maybe my kids. The answer is no!!but than am I loving myself as much as I expect someone else to love me?? Maybe this is where we all need to search our unconditional love that is within us. We all have these immense reserves of Love within us but we never choose to look within. In this search of love outside of us we start building new struggles and conflicts for us. We forget that it’s easy to fill out bowl than to expect someone else to do it for us. We forget that the best person who can fulfil my desires is me. But in the process of growing up we are being taught to choose others over us. We are taught that making others happy is important than choosing ourselves and our happiness.

   In the process the next thing that comes in my mind is that ‘is loving ourselves that difficult?’ The answer is no and yes both. No because it isn’t as difficult as we perceive it to be and Yes because we have never done it before. Maybe loving ourselves isn’t as difficult as we perceive it to be and by loving I don’t mean the unhealthy egoistic love it means balanced and unconditional love, were there is no proving, only unconditional acceptance of the way we truly are; where this unconditional love brings in gratitude and compassion towards life accompanied by constant efforts towards being the best and most humble version of ourselves. Pure Love isn’t a constant struggle and that which is struggle isn’t Love. Instead of struggling to seek love and acceptance can we ‘Be Love’. We all have the potential to love ourselves unconditionally and to accept ourselves completely because we truly are love. Maybe to achieve it all we have to do is prioritise ourselves in our life, keep ourselves happy and let go of the old baggage.

   Maybe the search for love begins and ends with you, me and I; because I’m love and so are you. May you all gain the courage to heal your heart so it fills with love and only love for yourself and everyone around you. May your search for love ends for you today. ‘Be the love you all deserve in your life!!’

Love and Light to all..


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