Journey called ‘Life’!!

   We all have different perceptions and definitions of life, what is the best possible way to live life; the goals we can achieve or we wish to achieve a lot many things. Recently while having a cup of coffee thinking about my idea of life a random thought unfolded for me; maybe life is just defining and redefining love at different phases and stages of life.

  We all are a living journey or the process you can say expanding all the time. Everything we did all the time was for love even the conflicts that we have had were to find love or understand love; sometimes to seek love from someone else, sometimes to prove that we love ourselves, sometimes to prove to someone that we love them. Conflicts arise because we don’t choose love and instead choose something else in the moment. It was always for the love we knew was present all around us but never dared to choose for us. When I look back all I could see in all of my struggles and conflicts was my struggle to choose love. All the people who were and are a part of my life played a role in helping me understand and choose love consciously and teaching me to fill the little empty spaces in me with love and happiness effortlessly. But somehow my mind always made me feel choosing love was difficult whereas as feeling hurt was easy; and that in return kept feeding my perceptions of life than. When we choose fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, judgment and so on over love there is conflict.

  We all can choose love everyday of our life in the way we think, feel, act, in giving and receiving it more fully filling up the little spaces in us and everyone around us with love and compassion instead of fear, ignorance, anger and guilt. Maybe choosing love makes everything effortless relationships, communication, expression, understanding each other.

  We all are the journey we call life and the only thing we all are trying to seek and exchange is love. Can we choose to make our and others life effortless and fulfilling? By choosing love in relationships, work and maybe than every inch of our life becomes effortless and peace becomes inevitable. Hope we all choose to seek love and let love seek us in return!!



Love and light to all.


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