Happy new year!!

   Another year has gone by, and I’m sure all of us have celebrated the end of this year by doing something we all felt we had to do to say goodbye to the end of a season. Another year is ahead of us and I’m sure we all have made plans about the same with a to do list of what to achieve, how to achieve, what to quit, something to buy and also some goals that we plan to achieve every year saying it to yourself, “this year I’m going to do it!” But as every year that goes by and every year that comes by we all really need to check is the old versions that we all have dropped and the new that we have tried to build. 

  Somehow I always had a feeling that every new year that I have received is really an opportunity to be the best required version of me in this very moment. I have received an opportunity to make the changes in my perceptions, thoughts, feelings, my relationship with me and once our focus shifts on these goals everything else falls in place including the materialistic desires that we hold. But at times the plans we build every year are more related to the things that aren’t permanent in our life money, home, cars, jobs or any other things that we can think off. Maybe our investments and plans should be more focused on building more permanent qualities and defining and redefining them in every coming year.

  It’s time we all focus on utilising this opportunity that we all have received to build on new ideas, changing old outdated thoughts and perceptions, building more consistency to expand ourselves in all the possible ways. Think of at least two qualities that you wish to imbibe yourself and set activities that would help you to integrate them in you. It’s time to invest in building feelings of abundance, love, acceptance, we all need to drop our survival mentality and be more in thriving mode. Dropping the survival mentality would be the biggest gift we could give to ourselves this year. The more we spend time surviving the more we feel lack and dissatisfaction which in-fact isn’t the reality. We all have enough and there is enough for everyone, but the more we survive the less we thrive; and people who thrive don’t survive and people who survive don’t thrive. All parts of nature are constantly anchored in thriving and creating; that’s the source of creation.

  It’s important to utilise this gift that we all have received in the form of another year. Maybe it’s time we all gift ourselves with some brilliant perceptions and happy thoughts everyday. Hope you all will invest in building some amazing qualities in the coming year for yourself and be the creator of your life in it’s true sense!! Hoping to see you all creating an exciting new year for yourself!!


Happy new year to all!!


Love and light to all!!


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