A piece in the puzzle…

  We say it to so many people so many times and vice versa that ‘we are so different from each other!!’ Recently I realised that it’s a blessing to be different from each other that is a strength and a blessing in disguise. But the way it is put up for all these years makes it sound as if it’s not the best thing to have in your life. Our differences help us grow build on new ideas and perceptions it’s the difference that help us bring in change in our life.

  It gives me a feeling of this big jigsaw puzzle every piece of the puzzle is different from each other in its shape size colour no two pieces are same and that’s the beauty of it. The picture wouldn’t complete if two pieces were alike they fit in because they are different not because they are alike!!! We all are like this big jigsaw puzzle completing the big picture by complimenting each other even in the differences. They serve a purpose in being different. We forgot to celebrate each other’s differences in the process of living. Life would have been so boring if everyone would have been the same,  doing the same,  thinking the same, looking the same!!! It’s the  difference that makes life more fulfilling. I believe differences bring in balance in our life it’s more like if one is shy and the other is outspoken work well together just because they are different. 

   Most of the times we spend our life finding people who are exactly like us the,  funny part is we already us why do we need one more person just like us? Relationships don’t work like this; maybe having a healthy relationship is having someone with whom you can celebrate your differences. I cannot build and grow unless I have ten different perspectives with me and how do I get these perspectives they come from different people who think different than me, not by having people who think exactly like me!! Every individual is special just like every piece of the puzzle having different qualities so we can learn from each other by being a part of each other’s lives by complimenting each other by balancing each other’s weaknesses. We stop growing when we stop welcoming people with different opinions than ours. We start feeling safe in this cocoon of old is gold illusion. But old isn’t new, old isn’t change, old isn’t always gold, sometimes old is just old!!

   There is a reason we all are different, maybe it’s because we are humans who were made to compliment each other not to shy off from our differences. The point isn’t resisting the differences it’s finding a way and thriving in it. If that wouldn’t have been the case we all would have just been exactly the same. It’s easier to be different than being same. Maybe being different is important to live a better life. All the five elements of the nature are so different from each other no one is superior no one is inferior they are just different. In spite of the difference the all function in harmony and each one is important for living. A person who is impulsive needs someone who is grounded, someone who is reserved needs someone who likes to explore, to someone who is a little messy needs someone who is organised!! But most of the times we fight over our differences rather than finding a blessing in it!! It’s time we all learn to find blessings in the differences for all we know we are just like the piece in the big universal picture helping in completing the picture!!!


Love and light to all!


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